

  • Actuarial Reduction

    This reduction, determined by the Board, is applied to your compensation if you start receiving payments from us before your Normal Pension Age (NPA).
  • Accrual rate

    The rate at which pension benefits build up for members in defined benefit (DB) schemes. The accrual rate is the proportion of your salary that would be awarded as pension for each year you were a member of a DB scheme. Accrual rates are usually expressed as fractions such as 1/60th or 1/80th.    
  • Active member

    A member of a pension scheme who’s currently accruing pensionable service.
  • Assessment Date

    The date at which an employer with a defined benefit pension scheme goes bust.
  • Assessment period

    During this time, the PPF investigates whether it can assume responsibility for a scheme. The assessment period starts at the assessment date which can be found on your statement of compensation entitlement.
  • Assets

    Everything that the trustees hold for the pension scheme. This can include investments, bank balances and any amounts owed to the scheme.
  • Admissible rules

    Rules of the former pension scheme after the application of a statutory test.
  • Attachment order

    An order made by the court as part of a financial settlement on divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership. It earmarks part of the member’s pension, which means part of their compensation will become payable to their ex-spouse or former civil partner when the member retires.